Photo 32 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Dweia Eh'lah'fe the Priestess. She appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf. She is tall. She has tilted, lavender-ringed nightshade-hued eyes and ebon skin. She has hip-length, lustrous pewter-toned hair tightly braided with clusters of tiny obsidian beads that weigh heavily against her back.

Photo Added
07-25-2014, 05:09 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Moonwitch
    Hey Tisket this is beautiful. I was looking at the pictures at lunchtime and a co-worker came up and asked me what I was looking at. I briefly explained. She absolutely tell in love with this portrait (an angel to her) and wanted to know if she could buy a poster of it I think that just shows the quality of your work!
  2. Tisket
    I'm very flattered. I included the imgur link in the first comment, which is uncompressed. She is welcome to download and use as she wishes.
  3. Moonwitch
    I'll share with her thanks. She was just in awe. You would have loved the expression on her face and her description of the beauty she saw. Shes never even heard of GS but she's a fan of yours now.
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