Photo 32 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Dweia Eh'lah'fe the Priestess. She appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf. She is tall. She has tilted, lavender-ringed nightshade-hued eyes and ebon skin. She has hip-length, lustrous pewter-toned hair tightly braided with clusters of tiny obsidian beads that weigh heavily against her back.

Photo Added
07-25-2014, 05:09 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
  2. Dendum
    Oh I like that, very regal look. very Dhe'nar/Faendryl
  3. Tisket
    Thanks, that's what I was trying for. Wanted the coil of braids to be reminiscent of a crown.
  4. Elvenlady
    Perfection. I know only you and I are privy to my thoughts on how I see her but I think you have captured it perfectly in her stance and expression - impeccable appearance and haughty demeanour masks a softer side.
  5. Elvenlady
    She has great boobs too, btw! Something Roh sadly doesn't have.
  6. petiteSylvan
    Thumbs up, Tisket!
  7. Tisket
  8. Rucca
    Lovely portrayal of a dark elf. One of my favorites so far.
  9. Divone
    This is just stunning. The expression and pose convey so much in a subtle way.
  10. Lady Lightning
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