Photo 35 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Lord Grishom Stone. He appears to be a Human. He is taller than average and appears to be in the prime of life. He has imperious deep sea blue eyes and tanned skin. He has short, sleek raven-hued hair. He has a smooth clean shaven face, a thin nose and a birth mark.

Photo Added
06-30-2014, 03:39 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Divone
    I'm just going to go ahead and put hearts everywhere on your pics K? <3
  2. Tisket
    lol thanks.
  3. great pic, but those eyebrows make him look a little feminine, extremely well manicured..
  4. Tisket
    Evil people can be well groomed.
  5. Androidpk
    He almost sort of resembles that one kid from the tv show Boy Meets World.
  6. FlayedAngel
    LOL, I can totally see that.
  7. Elvenlady
    I love how he looks like a petulant teen just wanting his own way because life just isn't fair and he hates everyone!
  8. Dendum
    I kind of see this as a young Stone, and in that it is really well done. He was a pampered little brat, probably beaten in the tool shed by his evil mage father behind the scenes. I could see this guy growing into a swarmy politician and then having it all fall down. I don't know if anyone has ever looked at politican's high school photo's but a disproportionate amount of them were pretty good looking young men.

    Like young Mr Nixon.
  9. Lynette Syrlan
    oohh bad ass!
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