Photo 35 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Lord Grishom Stone. He appears to be a Human. He is taller than average and appears to be in the prime of life. He has imperious deep sea blue eyes and tanned skin. He has short, sleek raven-hued hair. He has a smooth clean shaven face, a thin nose and a birth mark.

Photo Added
06-30-2014, 03:39 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    Here's the uncompressed image:

    And, just for fun, here he is with an unofficial facial marking that I did just because I liked the look. It's not part of his official look though:
  2. Latrinsorm
    That marking reminds me of the dragonmarks from Eberron. That one looks kinda like the Mark of Scribing, is he secretly a gnome piloting a humanoid golem?
  3. Tisket
    Your implication that I put thought into it is flattering but incorrect. I just liked the way it looked.
  4. MotleyCrew
    I always pictured Stone as older, don't know why. This is great to see these characters come to life. Thank you
  5. FlayedAngel
    Huh, that's not at all how I pictured Stone... but I actually like that version better than the internal image I had.

    Also, is it just me or does he kinda look like that dude from Hemlock Grove?
  6. Tisket
    He looks younger than I originally intended but I decided to keep it that way because somehow its more shocking when great evil is done by someone very young. At least it is to me.
  7. Jhynnifer
    I'd hit that. (Oh wait, I already did. ahuehuehuehue)
  8. Nilandia
    Really like this one, Tisket! Shows how much of a dork I am that I recognize the lettering on his robes as being daedric from the Elder Scrolls games.
  9. Tisket sells those as necromancer robes.
  10. Tisket
    Xurge. Com not surge. Fucking phone.
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