Photo 44 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 4

You see Lady Jynai Syrlan the Witch Doctor. She appears to be an Elf. She is very tall and appears to be in the bloom of youth. She has silver-flecked jade green eyes and pristine ivory skin. She has ankle-length, bright red hair drawn back from her face and bound in place by an interlocking silver ring circlet set with an emerald blazestar. She has a delicate face, a small nose and dimpled cheeks.

Photo Added
06-16-2014, 12:08 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 4
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    I don't own an ankle length, ringletted hair prop. The best I could do was butt length. I realize nobody would be any the wiser because of the cropped final image but, I wanted to use this prop so I gave her an updo. Here's the uncompressed image:
  2. Tisket
    Also, should mention, if anyone wants to provide their own background image, I can photoshop their character onto it and, with varying success, make it look somewhat like the character belongs there. 300 dpi images are best but I can work with whatever.
  3. Gweneivia
    Oh challenge accepted! 3 wolves moon shirt background incoming!
  4. Tisket

    h8 u
  5. shad0ws0ngs
    I met a guy recently with a whole set of different wolves and moon shirts.. yes, he is mentally ill.
  6. Tisket
    So here's one with her hair down. I don't like the yellow filtered look of the background as much as the other shot:
  7. leifastagsweed
    Great work, Tisket. I like the up-do. What a hottie!
  8. Lynette Syrlan
    both of them are are bloody sexy!
  9. Lynette Syrlan
    i do love the hair down, one... maybe would be better on a bluer background to take out that yellow you dont much like?
  10. Tisket
    Yeah, I'll probably redo that and post it.
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