Photo 2 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

You see Morgahan the Witch. She appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf. She is diminutive and appears to be an adult. She has smoldering glacial white rimmed moonlight silver eyes and olive skin. She has mid back-length, luxuriant raven black hair styled into a complex arrangement of looping and draping plaits, woven through with some jet black fragile orchid blossoms. She has a delicately boned face, a straight nose and classically elegant, chiseled high cheekbones.

Photo Added
05-24-2014, 04:14 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    She's got a few raven-themed accessories thus the choice of background. Also, she has "a series of deeply incised runic tattoos encircling her neck" but my attempts to alter her UV via PS were a failure. I didn't like the way it looked when applied to the character so, sorry bout that.
  2. Latrinsorm
    Gorgeous! It must take her a dang hour and a half to do her look in the morning.
  3. Tisket
    Don't the dark elves have slaves for that kind of thing?
  4. Ltlprprincess
    Pfft. Dhe'nar do, yes. The Faendryl have evolved beyond the need of slaves.
  5. Moonwitch
    She's an elf. They just wake up looking that good . Lovely by the way Tisket.
  6. Tisket
  7. leifastagsweed
    Those lips are flawless!
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