Photo 17 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

You see Zentalin Xe'terij the Mystic. He appears to be a Dwarf of the Khanshael. He is shorter than average and appears to be mature. He has piercing steel grey eyes and weathered skin. He has raggedly cut, unruly coal black hair. He has a weathered face, a wide flame-singed nose and a grizzled beard. He has thick, calloused hands and harsh manacle scars on his wrists.

Photo Added
05-07-2014, 06:09 AM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    The black cape is making it hard to see his awesome beard. I'll have to mess around with it another time.
  2. Latrinsorm
    It's implied by the fringe that reaches his tabard or whatever.

    Or you could give him pink facial hair!!! T.S. Eliot would approve, I'm sure.
  3. Dendum
    I see the beard fine. Maybe you 170inch monitor makes it hard to see the beard.
  4. Tisket
    hah, it is a big monitor for sure.
  5. Luftstreitkräfte
    love the armor detail
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 5 of 5