Photo 18 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

Mamu Ar'an'scath the Bounty Hunter

Photo Added
05-06-2014, 04:21 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. leifastagsweed
    Oooh, oooh, I make arrows for you anyday, Mamu. Mrawr. Great job as always, Tisket!
  2. Rucca
    Hi sexy thang!
  3. top shottah
    Fantastic job Tisket! He looks great!
  4. Tisket
    I'm glad you like it.
  5. Moonwitch
    Yeah he's all broody I like it.
  6. Latrinsorm
    I don't know how a man can have effeminate stubble but this is that. Not that I'm complaining!!
  7. Tisket
    He's a half elf, not a giant! Not that half elves are necessarily effeminate but moreso than giants.
  8. Rozy
    Is it bad that I want to ride his face like one of those springy animals in the playground? *drool*
  9. FlayedAngel
    I think "femenine stubble" sounds like something else entirely, but... great pic! Purdy eyes.
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 9 of 9