Photo 19 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

Azanoth in profile. Owner requested a variety of poses and shots and I was bored so here's another, lol.

Photo Added
05-05-2014, 01:49 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    Don't paladins usually pray a lot or something? This is him being all paladan-ish and pensive!
  2. Tisket
    Apparently he's a warrior, not a paladin. My bad.
  3. Dasloonix
    I love this. This, the whole bit of it, looks like it came from screenshot or a book cover. I like this. This is goodness.
  4. Moonwitch
    Seriously, if I ever get published I'm going to get Tisket to do the book cover. Her stuff is better than a lot of cover art v
  5. Tisket
    Unfortunately, authors don't get to choose their cover. Asshole publishers make that decision, lol. But thanks for the compliment!
  6. FlayedAngel
    I like this one a a lot... but then, I'm partial to bones in the back-ground, hehe.
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 6 of 6