Photo 20 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

Azanoth, Demon Hunter. Owner wanted a grim shot so I went a little crazy with the Photoshop brushes!

Photo Added
05-04-2014, 08:45 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. Rucca
    I really like the red wash throughout. Great color scheme for the scene.
  2. Jace Solo
  3. Tisket
    Glad you like it. Was fun to do.
  4. Latrinsorm
    That's a significantly less good-looking man. Congrats!
  5. Tisket
    I didn't change the model at all though. Just as handsome as the previous portrait. Change is in your mind!
  6. Latrinsorm
    If la mas bonita Cara Maria can deface her face with a grimace, I suppose Chris "Aza" Noth can do so as well. I concede!
  7. Gweneivia
    I would still be his barmaid.
  8. Geijon Khyree
    Excellent work.
  9. Elvenlady
    Very powerful image, I like!
  10. FlayedAngel
    This is an awesome pic and that's a pretty cool dude (and I'ma let you finish), but... those be some pansy-ass looking* demons. Not at all what I expected to be fiery e-waving everyone into oblivion during invasions. Oh well, I suppose they make up for it in numbers!

    *this is not a statement on your talent as a renderer (or a rend-er), Trisket.
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