Azanoth, Demon Hunter. Owner wanted a grim shot so I went a little crazy with the Photoshop brushes!
I really like the red wash throughout. Great color scheme for the scene.
Glad you like it. Was fun to do.
That's a significantly less good-looking man. Congrats!
I didn't change the model at all though. Just as handsome as the previous portrait. Change is in your mind!
If la mas bonita Cara Maria can deface her face with a grimace, I suppose Chris "Aza" Noth can do so as well. I concede!
I would still be his barmaid.
Excellent work.
Very powerful image, I like!
This is an awesome pic and that's a pretty cool dude (and I'ma let you finish), but... those be some pansy-ass looking* demons. Not at all what I expected to be fiery e-waving everyone into oblivion during invasions. Oh well, I suppose they make up for it in numbers! *this is not a statement on your talent as a renderer (or a rend-er), Trisket.