Photo 21 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

Azanoth. This took a while to complete because the owner had some very specific ideas about armor and my armor collection isn't extensive. This isn't exact but I think it captures the feel the owner wanted. At least, I hope so.

Photo Added
05-04-2014, 05:43 AM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. Dasloonix
    Well I like it.
  2. Tisket
    Thanks, I'm noticing a few minor issues that I want to fix but overall, I'm liking the look too.
  3. Ltlprprincess
    This looks awesome... For some reason, I can't help by think "Atilla the Hun" here. Can't wait to see more of mine.
  4. Jace Solo
    That's pretty fucking sweet.
  5. Latrinsorm
    That's the best looking man I've ever seen.
  6. Ltlprprincess
    Ridiculously Photogenic Warrior?
  7. Tisket
    haha, the owner told me to make him look less like he's trying to pickup a barmaid from across the room. Working on that now.
  8. FlayedAngel
    Barmaid? I thought he was looking at me. Now I feel all rejected.

    Very nice, though. Love the shoulder-guards, hehe.
  9. Elvenlady
  10. FlayedAngel
    Are you talking about Azanoth or me? ...also unrelatedly and for no reason, are you a barmaid?
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