Photo 34 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

Merjinia closeup. I love her eyebrows so much I'm posting an extreme closeup.

Photo Added
04-20-2014, 04:08 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. Lady Lightning
    I love this. Your portraits are great.
  2. Latrinsorm
    So saucy, great job!
  3. Tisket
    I like extreme closeups. Anyone else wants one for existing characters it's pretty simple and easy to do so let me know.
  4. Tisket
    The trick is to chop off the top of the head. You see it in almost all TV and movie closeups. Happens so much people don't even notice anymore.
  5. Tisket
    The nice thing about extreme closeups is that, although I have to futz with lighting a bit more (I wanted the reflection in her eyes to look like she was facing a treeline), I don't have to futz with clothing and posing at all.
  6. Ltlprprincess
    I really like this technique. I'll likely want one of these (maybe more)
  7. B4Hand
    I adore this! Love ..Love.. Love. Thank you Tisket!
  8. Dasloonix
    I can has extreme closeup of Laeli? *dribbles* Also, beautiful. You're right the eyebrows are awesome.
  9. Tisket
    Posted one of Lael.
  10. Elvenlady
    I'd love a close up of Rohese please Tisket if and when you get a chance! <3
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