Photo 39 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

Velvette Redux. Velvette was one of the first portraits I attempted and, although it was great practice, there were issues with it that I didn't like and it didn't really match the owners vision (although she was kind about it) so she's let me redo it from the ground up.

Photo Added
04-06-2014, 02:42 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. xdigitalx
    She needs to have one done as she's skipping
  2. Tisket
    Is she a skipper? Well pretend she is lifting her skirts to start skipping!
  3. Moonwitch
    Yes Velvette is a skipper. She was taught to skip by some happy hobbits and since she is still rather young and immature she likes to skip when she's happy. I like her Tisket thanks. She's fresh faced and young. You know I made her strawberry blond after your last portrait LOL
  4. Tisket
    I can easily change her hair color if you want something different.
  5. Moonwitch
    No I think she looks just fine!
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 5 of 5