Photo 43 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

You see Riend Ar'Fiernel

Photo Added
03-27-2014, 04:05 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. FlayedAngel
    Riend has some kind of ass-fetish, I'm convinced -- she's constantly offering to put things in mine.

    Also, not-at-all apropos of that statement... wow, that's an awesome picture. Super rawr, too! She looks a lot like a friend of mine though, that's gonna creep me out now that I have a mental image that extends beyond a wall of text.
  2. Ltlprprincess
    I love this, Tisket, especially the Asian Steampunk undertone with the hairstyle. Good work and can't wait to see more!
  3. FlayedAngel
    Just gotta say, this is probably my fave so far. And that's including the Crux in a Catholic schoolgirl pic.
  4. FlayedAngel
    Holy shit, having just seen X-Men: Days of Something-Something, I just put together that Riend looks astonishingly (see what I did there??) like J-Law!! That fact can only be a testament toward her extremely super-saiyan level of hotness and general (by all accounts) awesomeness.

    Also, from that, we can postulate that this is what it looks like when Riend smiles:

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