Photo 52 of 60 from Character Portraits Chapter 3

Rolfard: He has pale moonlight silver eyes and smooth ebon skin. He has waist-length, perfectly straight pure white hair that spills across his shoulders into lengths that are loosely fettered by simple invar rings. He has angular pointed ears. The black palette of his skin is pricked with a design of tiny silver striations, not unlike shooting stars on a night sky.

Photo Added
11-10-2013, 10:00 PM
Character Portraits Chapter 3
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    The facial tattoo isn't exactly what the owner had in mind but by the time he sent me a sample I'd already had this in the render engine for a long time. Posting it as is. I did try some other variations of the facial tatt but it ended up looking like he had a rash or pox of some kind. The owner wanted it looking more like shooting stars. I'll attempt it again some time but for now, here's this.
  2. rolfard
    wow, still wonderful!
  3. leifastagsweed
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