Photo 7 of 60 from Gemstone Character Portraits

Gwen again. I was going to fix her hair from the last pic but my ADD kicked in and I started playing with poses. I'll do a head and shoulders shot that doesn't have hair growing out of her cheek, honest! Just going to work on some other people first.

Photo Added
03-22-2013, 06:23 PM
Gemstone Character Portraits
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Photo Comments

  1. Merala
    I'm really liking these portraits, Tisket. Maybe I'll ask you to do one for me pretty soon! Be really cool to get my bard and her twin sister done.
  2. Tisket
    Just send me the info and google image links of anything that's similar to how you visualize the characters.
  3. Merala
    Is that how you prefer to work? Or would you mind just a description and leaving it up to your imagination?
  4. Gweneivia
    Hmm Gwene in shoes? She's never worn shoes. Otherwise I dig it, though!
  5. Tisket
    I'm sure she isn't unfamiliar with straps though...
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 5 of 5