Photo 19 of 60 from Gemstone Character Portraits

Dayko. This isn't the action shot I was going to do (obviously), but I don't have the wardrobe and props that the owner requested in my library. Going to keep an eye out and see if I can't pick them up but in the meantime, here's his head. lol.

Photo Added
03-08-2013, 01:42 AM
Gemstone Character Portraits
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Photo Comments

  1. Dayko
    The GM fix'd it an hour ago!
  2. Moonwitch
    I just didn't picture Dayko this way. It's a good portrait though.
  3. Tisket
    He likes it so that's all I care about. But I'm taking a moment to preach here: if you want our vision to match up in the end product, BE SPECIFIC and include picture links. Can't stress how helpful I find those. If your description says you have "blue" eyes that's unhelpful as there is a lot of different blues available. And etc. /soapbox
  4. Moonwitch

    Tisket is fucking amazing. I was quite surprised how she just changed the angle of the light and that caused such a difference in how the character looks. I know software has gotten really good, but if I had the software my characters would still look like stick drawings. LOL <3 Tisket.
  5. Tisket
    Thanks, that's nice of you to say.
  6. Latrinsorm
    Rye-vicky said: "...I am constantly blown away by the faces, this technology must have come a long way since last time I saw these OR YOU ARE FUCKING AMAZING."

    She really is amazing. The question is if it's talent or hard work or both.
  7. Tisket
    It's OCD. And you guys need to shut up about it lol, it's embarrassing. p.s. paypal payment incoming.
  8. diethx
    Reading this made me crave Cheetos.
  9. Dayko
    Diethx, I got some cheetos in my cabinet...Don't plan on eating it tonight :P
  10. Lolleia
    Hah, Dayko has some cheetos for you. Just climb into his windowless van.
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