Dayko. This isn't the action shot I was going to do (obviously), but I don't have the wardrobe and props that the owner requested in my library. Going to keep an eye out and see if I can't pick them up but in the meantime, here's his head. lol.
hah, do you mean the background? I have a huge library of character models and wardrobe props but my backgrounds are limited. I thought it was more important to get the character right and work on collecting props and models toward that end than getting stuff to put behind him/her. I'm working on adding to the backgrounds but it's slow.
Oh no I mean when I LOOK at him in game in his features description it always says "is covered head to toe in orange cheese dust." I actually thought this background was awesome, and I am constantly blown away by the faces, this technology must have come a long way since last time I saw these OR YOU ARE FUCKING AMAZING.
Dayko, don't you have a mohawk now though?
I do now, I asked her to make a portrait of him without the newly mohawk haircut
Ryvicke, it's a bug or something...I don't know, but I've put an assist since yesterday to remove the cheese look. LOL
Well shit, Dayko...I have a mohawk hair prop! You want that I do one with that? Might be a while but give me the description.
He has long, fine jet black hair combed to stand straight up in a wide arc vertically along his head with the tips dyed a crimson red.
Ahh I don't have fauxhawks in my library but I might be able to use both his current hair and the mohawk combined to give him the appearance. I'll see what I can come up with.
Alrighty, take your time, no rush.
Until the GMs fix it I demand this portrait have cheese dust. For accuracy. Also: when did processed cheese snack products enter the world of Gemstone? Is it a gnome thing?