Dayko. This isn't the action shot I was going to do (obviously), but I don't have the wardrobe and props that the owner requested in my library. Going to keep an eye out and see if I can't pick them up but in the meantime, here's his head. lol.
It should go without saying that Dayko's portrait should show him as a corpse. Just sayin.
he's too old
So he should look older or younger? You guys are confusing me.
Or just dead? Somehow I don't think Dayko is very popular.
I'm saying he's too alive.
They're referring to story-line stuff, heh. He was recently made into a... half-lich? Rotting features. Or alternately, that he dies a lot. That could also be a possibility.
Yeah, he mentioned that but decided to get him portrayed as he will look after the storyline is over.
I actually like it.
I like it too!
I've been away for awhile so I don't know what this is but he's also covered in cheese dust every time I look at him.