Photo 21 of 60 from Gemstone Character Portraits

Keiiko. I wasn't going to upload this one because it was a failure to please the character owner. I did a lot of revision but she kept requesting change. I'm not complaining, it is what it is but I did work long and hard to get the ombre effect she wanted so I'm pleased with that. I probably would have worked more on her but the owner stopped sending me feedback and disappeared. lol. I am pleased with her look anyway but didn't slap the name on the picture as I usually do.

Photo Added
03-05-2013, 05:44 PM
Gemstone Character Portraits
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Photo Comments

  1. Whirlin
    By "Keep working on her," Magiceatsyou means, "Make her naked"
  2. FlayedAngel
    I actually quite like this one. And yeah, what Rojo said.
  3. Beniah
    Late to the party but this to me is one of your best, whoever it is.
  4. tyrant-201
    This is terrible.

    Just terrible.

    Never do art again, Titsket.
  5. Tisket
    lol Telare
  6. tyrant-201
  7. Tisket
    This is actually one of my favorites too, Beniah
  8. macgayver
    Another great example of hand drawn art here! Keep it up!!
  9. Tisket
    macGAYver! Glad your snarky ass is still around.
Showing Photo Comments 11 to 19 of 19
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