Photo 22 of 60 from Gemstone Character Portraits

Nuadjha: I realized that I had posted this in the wrong album. Nuadjha's owner is the first to let me practice on his character so I used the picture in the youtube video as a representation of rangers in general. Putting the picture here since it is actually a portrait. Thanks Briar.

Photo Added
03-05-2013, 03:32 PM
Gemstone Character Portraits
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Photo Comments

  1. BriarFox
    I still absolutely love this image. Totally brilliant work, Tisket.
  2. Tisket
    The colors in his hair are a little washed out in this picture. If anyone wants to see a better representation, Briar has a head and shoulders shot posted under his profile tab. I had fun with the hair. When I wasn't cursing it that is.
  3. Moonwitch
    When I was looking at Velvette's pictures I noticed that you had a bunch that you had uploaded and your practice shots of Briar. There was a bunch of them with different outfits. Why on earth he didn't pick those sexy leather pants I have no idea, I sure the heck did like them!
  4. Tisket
    I didn't realize that my other pictures on imageshack were visible without the actual links. I thought I had the album marked private unless you had an actual picture link. Oh well, at least I didn't have anything of a personal nature posted, lol.
  5. Tisket
    Those were works in progress, I'd post a shot and send it to him for review and revision, so they might not reflect the characters final look at all.
  6. msconstrew
    I bet you're sorry you had all those nudes of BriarFox's player on there for "examples", aren't you?
  7. Tisket
  8. Moonwitch
    Sorry Tisket I didn't realize, I just clicked on Tisket's album to see what you were working on. I enjoy looking at the different revisions of work and the artistic process. I especially liked the leather pants on Nuadjha, but then I've always had a thing for rangers.
  9. Tisket
    Oh I'm not upset at all. Just wanted to clarify in case someone thought they were finished products.
  10. Tisket
    Honestly, I find Imagshack to be clumsy and annoying so I don't use it as much. One nice thing about the albums is that I can post pictures directly from my PC.
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