Photo 27 of 31 from Gemstone Fan Art

Imaera is the Goddess of the Nature and Autumn. She is also often considered the patron of the sylvan elves. While Oleani’s realm is cultivation and the fertility of mortals, Imaera’s realm is the wilds and unfettered nature. Her consort is Eonak, without whose rocky soil, no plant could grow. As the Goddess of life and growing things, hers are the plants and animals native to the land. Credited with the re-creation of most of the species on Elanthia, and with several of the human-like races, she is the mistress of shaping flesh, bone, and plant to suit any need. As such her blessing is often sought by those who practice the healing arts. Imaera is also the Goddess of the harvest and so of the bounty which the land produces in its cycle of life. While Oleani oversees cultivation and agriculture, the final blessing of Imaera is needed for the spark of life. Because of this she is often honored in autumn festivals.

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01-23-2015, 04:00 PM
Gemstone Fan Art
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