Photo 2 of 54 from Character Portraits Pt 6

You see Grand Lord Radeek Andoran the Desert Strider. He appears to be a Human of the Tehir tribes. He is taller than average. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has viridian-swirled twilight grey eyes and sun-bronzed, coppery skin. He has long, silver-streaked midnight black hair worn in a single bowstring-bound braid trailing down past his chest. He has a weathered face, a classical nose and well-muscled shoulders and arms and a faint curved scar just below his right eye. He has extensive ritual scarring that begins over his left eyebrow, extending from the slope of his forehead to the rugged line of his jaw. He is inked with a pattern of swirling fog that coalesces into a mighty wolf upon his neck.

Photo Added
09-27-2020, 03:22 PM
Character Portraits Pt 6
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    The HQ version is a perfect example of how much detail is lost when uploading to the PC:
  2. Tisket
    Also, the request for this was made like, what, two years ago? Sometimes I'm ridiculously slow but I also lost the info at one point. Excuses excuses...
  3. BriarFox
    This is spectacular!
  4. Tisket
    Thanks, BF. I know the tatts don't exactly match the description but I was just trying to get a similar feel rather than a specific one. However, I might revisit this just to try and match his tatts better. It was just taking too long.
  5. MotleyCrew
    Wow, just wow.
  6. Tisket
    See, no white eyelashes!
  7. MotleyCrew
  8. radeek
    Ok, I gotta say, this is phenomenal. I've been playing Radeek for decades and I always wondered how he should look....and this is it. I just can't say enough about how pleased I am at how this came out. Thank you so much for this, it is extraordinary. Feel free to play with it as you see fit, but you did a fantastic job catching the Tehir just as he should be. That facial expression and those eyes....they just say so much about him; sort of a "mess with me at your own risk" look. He's been through some rough times and it shows in that portrait. Thank you, very, very much.
  9. Tisket
    I'm happy you are pleased with it!
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