Photo 11 of 54 from Character Portraits Pt 6

Second group portrait for the Elanthian Vogue. This one includes, left to right: Luxelle Machtes Ashrim, Rovvigen Aniket, Naamit DMVMD-Braggiani, Nehor, Lynaera Ariamiel

Photo Added
12-01-2018, 02:55 PM
Character Portraits Pt 6
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
  2. MotleyCrew
    Is it me or does Rovvigen look like Grindelwald?
    Good job btw!
  3. Tisket
    lol, maybe!
  4. Tisket
    I don't know why but I have an urge to pose Nehor kissing the gargoyle in the background.
  5. Elvenlady
    Do it!
  6. Kayse
    Aww, this is awesome. Great work! I would have loved to see Kayse on Elanthian Vogue!
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 6 of 6