Photo 34 of 54 from Character Portraits Pt 6

This is another unsolicited portrait of a chick who helped out my baby rogue a couple days ago. I created the hair as a png layer for Photoshop a few years ago and forgot I had it so used it on her. I like the finished look. This is:

You see Azlozia. She appears to be a Burghal Gnome of the Withycombe Bloodline. She is diminutive. She appears to be very young. She has long-lashed sapphire blue eyes and fair skin. She has very long, flowing blue-black hair swept back from the temples. She has a delicate face and dimpled cheeks.

Photo Added
04-29-2018, 02:55 AM
Character Portraits Pt 6
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
  2. Latrinsorm
    really enjoy the color layout, everything works so well together! eyes and clothes, skin, lips, hair, FRECKLES ��
  3. Tisket
    Yes, freckles. The owner can sue me for taking liberties.
  4. Latrinsorm
    those were supposed to be heart eye emoji, not question marks. i am strongly in favor
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 4 of 4