Photo 10 of 14 from Gemstone IV Fan Art

Ravakus vs massive troll king

Photo Added
06-04-2017, 04:18 AM
Gemstone IV Fan Art
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    I don't know why I enjoy the sepia look so much but I really do. I also don't know if troll kings have tails but mine do.
  2. Tisket
  3. Tisket
    I was just told that I use godrays too much

    I just love the drama they add to a scene.
  4. Tisket
    My trolls do.

    I thought it more matched the description of the illoke but I couldn't find a picture to confirm.
  5. MotleyCrew
    If anyone know what a troll looks like, it would be him

    If there is anything wrong with the troll is that it needs more aggressive movement. It almost looks like its strolling into battle...which trolls may very well do!
  6. Tisket
    True. I might have to revisit this!
  7. Tisket
    "If anyone know what a troll looks like, it would be him "

  8. Tisket
    I want to mention that, because the lighting is so complex, that this was a 26 hour render. Lighting is what slows renders down. I could have gone way longer with it but it was tying up my computer.
  9. Actually, he's got a great point. Your "troll" looks like it's taking a stroll straight into Ravakus' poleaxe.
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