Photo 17 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Squire Legionnaire Malinya Astald'elen Vaalor the Crimson Legion Reservist. She appears to be an Elf. She is average height and has a trim figure. She appears to be young and untried. She has large, lavender-sheened dark lilac-hued eyes and fair skin. She has long, sleek champagne-hued hair tied into a loose ponytail with a crimson-hued gold-trimmed hair-tie. She has a straight nose and delicately curving, svelte pointed ears. The pale blonde of her hair is echoed in her lashes and eyebrows, the former being long and curled and the latter arching strikingly.

Photo Added
03-21-2017, 02:53 AM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    Let's face it, Latrinsorm, sometimes I'm successful with the eyes, sometimes I'm not. But I'm not sensitive about my less than successful stuff. I know I've said it before but I really am okay with criticism, kindly meant or not. Anyway I can see an incremental improvement from when I started so I'm happy. Maybe in a couple years I'll look back and wince at the ones I thought were successful now, just like I look at my earlier stuff and wince a bit inside. Thanks for the nice words though!
  2. Tisket
    And lol @ drauz
  3. tyrant-201
    Her eyes look like plums. Juicy, ripe, delicious plums. With a light blue to 'em. Fresh and juicy, ripe for the pickin'. Hey, can I trade it for your twinkie? NO these are my plums. I want to bite into that plum and let the juice spill down my chin. Beautiful, blueish hue. With the sun dancin' right off 'em. Gettin' ready to take 'em to the market.

    Special, 2 plums for 1.
  4. Tisket
    lol, Telare's been drinking!
  5. tyrant-201
    You know it
  6. Divone
    The texture on the armor is perfection. The hair is awesome. I love when you have new pictures up ...(new to me anyway)
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