Photo 26 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see High Lord Sighisoara Timsh'l Vaalor the Artifact Collector. He appears to be an Elf. He is average height and appears to have come of age. He has silver-flecked sea green eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder-length, wavy copper red hair pulled back and secured with a rune-etched silver ring. He has an angular face and slightly upswept pointed ears.

Photo Added
02-08-2017, 01:57 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    This was done at his wife's request and I don't think she checks here often so if someone sees him in game and would let him know it's done and posted I'd be grateful.
  2. Tisket
  3. Elvenlady
    This is amazing, Tisket, thank you! I shall let him know and beg him to let me add it to Roh's GS wiki page <3
  4. Tisket
    I'm glad you like it. I enjoyed making it.
  5. MotleyCrew
    Nifty. I am guessing lightning mage?
  6. Tisket
    lol, yes
  7. Sighisoara
    Love it! Great job, Tisket.
  8. Tisket
    Cool, thanks.
  9. Ltlprprincess
    This is awesome!
  10. MotleyCrew
    Is it wrong that the first thing I always do when I log onto the PC is check for new Tisket portraits?
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