Photo 34 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Rowmi the Battle Dancer. He appears to be a Half-Sylvan. He is tall and appears to be youthful. He has argent-flecked cornflower blue eyes and sun-kissed, lightly freckled skin. He has short, tousled white hair. He has an unshaven face, a disjointed bump marring the bridge of his slender nose and a slightly pointed ears. His bright eyes are framed by tiny laugh lines that betray a friendly smile.

Photo Added
12-26-2016, 01:31 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    Character had changes to his look so this is an updated portrait. Uncompressed image:
  2. TheLastRowmi
    This is brilliant!
    Thanks so much for the consistently impressive work.
  3. Kayse
    This came out fantastic! Look at those dreamy eyes.
  4. MotleyCrew
    Wow, he looks like he aged 500 years since the last portrait. Who broke that nose I wonder...
  5. Tisket
    I think the unshaven look automatically ages a character a bit. Not 500 years though, lol.
  6. Tisket
    I was going to link the old portrait for comparison but I don't have time to wade through all the albums.
  7. MotleyCrew
  8. Tisket
    I think I prefer the newer version. Although I like the facial hair better on the older version.
  9. FlayedAngel
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 9 of 9