Photo 39 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Alasatia Sol'naire the Enchantress. She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf. She is of a slight height and appears to be in the spring of life. She has fervent silver-pupiled smokey feystone eyes and silken nutmeg skin. She has sleek, artfully finger-waved ember red hair casually swept beneath a wide vaalin mesh headband, leaving her long spiraled curls to tumble down her back

Photo Added
12-14-2016, 04:01 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    This is a customer requested redo. Will paste link as soon as I upload to imgur.
  2. Tisket
  3. MotleyCrew
    I'd say you absolutely nailed the skin.
  4. Tisket
    I had to ask the owner what color "feystone" was because Google didn't know, lol.
  5. tiggereye
    Motley is right, her skin is gorgeous. The eyes too, I love it. Thank you! <3
  6. MotleyCrew
    LOL, It's a 'gem' in GS, typically periwinkle or violet. So, I'd say you nailed that too! ;-)
  7. Yesnomaybe
    I love how you do eyes, these are gorgeous as is her skin. You have also proven that the duckface is inescapable no matter where one is
  8. Tisket
    lol duckface
  9. Tisket
    The owner pm'd me that once you think "duck face" that's all you see when you look at the portrait. Thanks, Yesnomaybe!!

  10. tiggereye
    Seriously. Can't. Unsee. Lolol. But she's still purty!
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 10 of 10