Photo 45 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Bekke Mournmoon the Defender of Wehnimer's Landing. She appears to be a Half-Elf. She is tall and appears to be youthful. She has large amber-swirled pale eyes and light amber-tinted skin. She has hip-length, bright amber-hued hair barely held in place by a lattice-woven headband of delicate platinum filaments, leaving a fall of tumbled waves to spill down the small of her back. She has a delicately arched brows that accentuate her finely-boned features. She has gilt-sheened fiery crimson lacquer brushed onto her flawlessly manicured fingernails.

Photo Added
11-17-2016, 02:19 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
  2. Maylan
    That's amazing! Bekke looks fantabulous!
  3. tiggereye
    Gorgeous! <3
  4. MesaPaen
    I love this sooooooo much! THANK YOU!
  5. Tisket
    Turned out way better than the first version, didn't it? Glad you like it.
  6. Ltlprprincess
    Damb. Looks good, but that's exactly how Nihrvanah's hair looks when down. Alas.
  7. Tisket
    I don't understand. Why the "alas"?
  8. Tisket
    Ltlprpincess, I don't understand your comment. The hair prop I used on Nihrvanah is a different prop than this one. Just has a similar style. Are you upset they look similar? I can plop a different one on your character if so. I don't mind. You know I like to fuck around with this stuff.
  9. Fivel VonGrace
  10. MotleyCrew
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