Photo 46 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Gweneivia the Paragon of Reim. She appears to be a Half-Elf. She appears to be young and sprightly. She has silver-rimmed, sparkling dark eyes and pale skin. She has long, slightly tousled silver hair falling loosely in gently curling waves down her back. She has a dainty face and dimpled cheeks.

Photo Added
11-10-2016, 11:17 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. tiggereye
    She's so preeeetty <3 <3
  2. Tisket
    Thanks. I did her portrait when I first started learning the software so was happy to update her now.
  3. Tisket
  4. Gweneivia
    Looks great, I cant's wait to see her blasting something! Can the something be Hoy?
  5. Tisket
  6. SashaFierce
    The clothing looks really texture-y in this one, I like it.
  7. leifastagsweed
    I think this accurately depicts why Gwen's milkshake brings all the guys to the yard. MRWAWR.
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 7 of 7