Photo 47 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Squire Legionnaire Menos Relarem Vaalor the Champion of House Vaalor. He appears to be an Elf. He is average height and appears to have come of age. He has keen royal-blue eyes and fair skin. He has cropped, coal black hair. He has slightly pointed ears. Sharp, handsome features give him a courtly air.

Photo Added
11-09-2016, 01:25 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
  2. Elvenlady
    Wow, I see Menos in a whole new light now! I had him looking older and sterner in my mind but you've given him a deliciously youthful and brooding demeanour!
  3. Tisket
    I tried to age him close to the reference photo I received. Besides, he's an elf. He could be ancient in that pic!
  4. Ltlprprincess
    I love how smug he looks.
  5. Tisket
    He's got sort of a "come at me, bro" pose that I liked.
  6. Fivel VonGrace
    Wow Tisket your portraits are nice.
  7. Tisket
    Why thank you! Some turn out okay. If you dig into my albums you'll find plenty that didn't though, lol.
  8. MotleyCrew
    Kind of looks like a young Tom Hardy.
  9. Astray
    Menos is handsome as fuck.
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 9 of 9