Photo 53 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Legionnaire Lyrna the Archer. She appears to be a Vaalor Elf. She is tall and appears to be mature. She has silver-flecked crystal blue eyes and golden brown skin. She has very long, curly strawberry blonde hair swept up into an intricate knot secured with a veniom-traced hairstick. She has an angular face.

Photo Added
10-02-2016, 02:49 AM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Ltlprprincess
  2. MotleyCrew
    Oh I like this one, almost looks like shes been crying
  3. Tisket
    Crying? That's not what I intended. Might have to redo it now! lol

    Uncompressed image:
  4. MotleyCrew
    Noooo, it just shows emotion...and thats a good thing
  5. Wesley
    I like it. One thing I might recommend though since I see ya used the bloom filter this time - I think you might like the result better if you raise the threshold on the filter for the bloom to 3000 instead of 2000, then lower the bloom filter radius to 0.010 instead of 0.050. It'll take longer to render, but you get a smoother overall bloom with the lighting you have there, and it catches better on the hair without meshing it together. That said, the end result on this is nice regardless. Just wanted to save you some trouble on the trial and error for the bloom filter. The render times are long enough with it on that it can be a hassle to tweak.
  6. Tisket
    I'll give that a try next time. Thanks. Advice, critiques, and suggestions always welcome.
  7. Tisket
    I did not like what it did to the hair. Too extreme to attribute it to DoF blur.
  8. Wesley
    Yeah that's the bloom filter radius. If you lower it a lot it'll lower the radius it blurs, so the hair doesn't get all blurred out. And raising the threshhold will make it so only the already well lit parts bloom. Prevents the whole thing from giving a weird semi-bloom.
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