Photo 54 of 60 from Character Portraits Pt. 5

You see Legionnaire Dalnirath Siekucha Vaalor the Tactician. He appears to be an Elf. He appears to have come of age. He has bright stormy grey eyes and ivory skin. He has long, flaxen hair swept back from the temples. He has a narrow face, an upturned nose and long pointed ears.

Photo Added
09-29-2016, 09:08 PM
Character Portraits Pt. 5
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Photo Comments

  1. Tisket
    Uncompressed image:
  2. MotleyCrew
    Very nice. Looks like a fair Hugo Weaving as Elrond.

    I am so pleased you are working again, I enjoy it immensely.
  3. Tisket
    Thank you, MC. I'm going to redo some of my older ones once I get through my current list so if anyone wants an updated version they should PM me.
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